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  1. J

    "Infinite" Application Data folders and subfolders

    "Infinite" Application Data folders and subfolders (screen shots attached and/or via WEB links) I have an issue in my "C:\Users\All Users\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data" folder. I believe its loosely called "Infinite" Application Data folders and subfolders C:\Users\All...
  2. J

    PC user name is not in the users accounts in control panel

    I have a PC, that has a User name (names changed for security) ...User name ABCD. Groing to the Dir C:\Users I can plainly see a directory ABDCZ (again fake username for security) Other dir under d:\users are the usual that include ABDCZ and the below: All users Default Default user degault...
  3. J

    Someone has Remoted into a PC on my network!

    I don't know what to my IIS logs reflect, that simply hasn't happened to me. Mathematically...statistically speaking...either I'm about to get rained on like Noah ...or, the past levels of intrusion (or lack there of), will remain the same. guess what my money is on ?
  4. J

    Someone has Remoted into a PC on my network!

    Maybe high risk...but, how do you explain two decades, and this is the first issue ? that "Luck"? Really.....if it is, I need to be buying lotto tickets. I do get a lot of spam emails......I auto delete. The WEB server doesn't get that much outside traffic...I'd say 20% of my outside...
  5. J

    Someone has Remoted into a PC on my network!

    This is true...I suppose there are "those out there" ...well I know there are, who would go through the effort and forward, or have forwarded ports for no reason. I assumed being on a technical forum, you guys would know...if I had all this going on...there had to be a reason for each port...
  6. J

    Someone has Remoted into a PC on my network!

    And? If I do NOT , ha e ports forwarded how do you propose the web server(s) and email servers function ? If there is another way? I'm all ears!!
  7. J

    Someone has Remoted into a PC on my network!

    You lost me in that one!! Check with ports open to see if any other ports open? Can't is see that regardless? I have a Uverse gateway modem router... and I know it in my sleep... I don't need to check what ports I have open.... they are listed in an excel sheet with descriptions... I'm a...
  8. J

    Someone has Remoted into a PC on my network!

    Previous RDP setting, which is now disabled
  9. J

    Someone has Remoted into a PC on my network!

    I replied from my phone, not sure it posted.. Absolutely I do have port forwarding, its required for VNC...default is 5900...which I have changed to an "off the wall" port number I chose. I'm relatively certain that WIFI is not in this equation, cause it stated on the lock screen "The PC is...
  10. J

    Someone has Remoted into a PC on my network!

    I have an urgent situation. I have several PC at home on a network. I'm lazy so I use Real VNC from one PC, to hit my other PC on the netork (all password protected). I VNC onto one of my PC and noticed the lock/logon screen was up, and a message "The PC is logged on remotly by...
  11. J

    Clone, not just copy, a data drive on my PC

    Ok...sorry to be a pain...but, that did not answer my question...can you confirm the below? There are some very crucial steps here, that, if wrong, or need more info...will make or break this. ---------- I want to start over and try Robocopy...but, fist want to be very clear on the steps, let me...
  12. J

    Clone, not just copy, a data drive on my PC

    This is confusing...from what I are saying, just use "robocopy d:\ e:\ /Mir" will cover all my bases? Reading the /?...leads me to believe it will need additional switches. ie "/MT:64 /Z /B /J /LOG:c:robocopy.txt /TEE"...with ZBJ needed and the others more "nice to have". The...
  13. J

    Clone, not just copy, a data drive on my PC

    I can see how "robocopy d:\ e:\ /Mir" would do a vanilla copy/clone But? is a simple /MIR going to cover, the below possibilities ? /Z :: copy files in restartable mode. /B :: copy files in Backup mode. /ZB :: use restartable mode; if access...
  14. J

    Clone, not just copy, a data drive on my PC

    so? where can I see some example of what parameters I would need? I ha e the GUI, it's pretty straight forward, but no so much on what parameters I would need to do a clone
  15. J

    Clone, not just copy, a data drive on my PC

    Being I am going from a 1 TB to a 2 TB drive...maybe I should stick to using handles all of this. Theoretically, the way I set it up?...I should be able to just use XCOPY, and be fine. However, you know how that goes, over the years, there could be that one thing, I installed that...
  16. J

    Clone, not just copy, a data drive on my PC

    I am running Windows 2012 Server Release 2. The Operating system is on Drive C. My D drive, is pure fact, it is used basically as a network drive, to back up a Windows 8.1 PC on my network. It has NO operating system on it, It just happens to exist on my Windows 2012 box. Its a 1...
  17. J

    Grey "X" on icons in Windows explorer

    A while back, I set up a library, on this PC (win 10 pro) to another PC on my network (win 8.1 enterprise) As can be seen I have several libraries, several pointing to the same PC. This is where it gets fuzzy, because I do...
  18. J

    Solved Windows is only seeing 2TB of my new 3TB drive.

    I THINK, I have the robo copy GUI... isn't it a GUI, u can fill out the. fields , and run... and it will also write out the code for you if you decide to use CAD prompt. can you show me a link to the GUI you are speaking of?
  19. J

    Solved Windows is only seeing 2TB of my new 3TB drive.

    I never knew robo copy could do that... good to know. I got it sorted out using paragon, the same tool I cloned it with
  20. J

    Solved Windows is only seeing 2TB of my new 3TB drive.

    I bought a 3 TB drive today, to replace my, existing 1 TB drive which was 95% full. This is my "D" drive and is data only, no OS on it. Its actually all my WEB server data, for IIS. (I'm on Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64 bit). My plan was to use Paragon Hard Disk manager and clone my existing 1...